Saturday, February 25, 2006

More Optical Illusions.

Life is like that.

What do you see?

Optical illusions just pretty much sum it up as far as I'm concerned with this life.
Nothing is as is seems.


Blogger Matthew Celestine said...

I am sorry, I do not get how the second picture is an illusion.

I have looked at it from every direction and it just looks like a nice picture.

I hope you have not been playing tricks on the nuns again.

God Bless


12:39 PM, February 26, 2006  
Blogger Matthew Celestine said...

'How many times can a man shake his head and pretend that he just doesent see?'

It does look a bit like a cracked egg. But is that all that is illusory about it?

In terms of how you see life, it is impossible to really understand life until you ahve a fixed perspective on it.

The perspective we need is that of God, as He is the one who created life.

Do you ever read God's Word, the Bible?

12:49 PM, February 26, 2006  
Blogger Rose~ said...

Don't you see the illusion there, blowing in the wind?

It is a baby laying on its back.

Tell me if you see it now.

Fixed perspective? What do you mean? I learned about one point and two point perspective in drawing class last week.

Oh, God, you are talking about God. When you say He created life, you mean He caused the two molecules to collide, the big bang happened ... and the rest is the millions and millions of years of evolution, right? (That is what I have heard about) God used evolution? I don't know how anyone could know such a thing, though. No human being alive today was around billions and gagillions of years ago! ( ... not even sister Mary whatever)

2:35 PM, February 26, 2006  
Blogger Matthew Celestine said...

I am impressed that you should raise the issue of how one can know about the origin of life when nobody was around.

Some people talk confidently about the Big Bang and yet nobody was there to witness such an event if it happened.

The God of the Bible, however, was present at the beginning and was the creator of all. That is why I recommend you to read the Bible to find out more about Him.

As I suggested before, I recommend starting with the Gospel of John.

God Bless


6:35 PM, February 26, 2006  
Blogger Matthew Celestine said...

Oh, yes, I see it now.

6:37 PM, February 26, 2006  
Blogger Rose~ said...

This is my saying about religion and evolution (sorry that I lump them all together, but I think they are all matters of "faith".)

Anyways, here is my saying:
"Faith is saying that you know something that you can't prove. Saying that you know something that you can't prove is foolish."

That applies to evolution, I think, too, because as we have observed together, no one was there to know whether this is how it happened or not. It seems to be true though, because everywhere I look, it is talked about like fact. Science, right?

I am sorry if my word "foolish" offends you because I know that you have faith. Maybe some day I will change my mind about this. I think faith may be setting oneself up for a fall. I really am not too qualified to say much about faith though, because I don't have any.

I am going to try and read that "gospel of John" that you have referred me to. I will let you know what I think ... on this blog in the near future.


9:47 AM, February 28, 2006  
Blogger Matthew Celestine said...

I am glad you are going to take a look.

As regards anyone there at the beginning, Christians believe God was there. And we believe God has told us about it in the Bible that He inspired (or you might say 'directed').

You might say that the Bible is just a book. True, it is a book, but some books are more reliable than others. We can check the reliability of the Bible by seeing if it matches up with known facts. So far, nobody has shown anything in the Bible to be untrue.

If what the Bible says is true, then it means that God is real and we have to answer to Him.

God Bless


1:22 PM, February 28, 2006  

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